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Building Psychic Focus with the Plain of Neptune
The Plain of Neptune can be found at the center of the palm between the Plain of Mars and the wrist. Activating the Plain of Neptune can help in heightening psychic abilities, uncovering the unconscious mind, and understanding the ancient mystical laws and occult practices. Although the Plain of Neptune can be stimulated by placement of a gemstone there during meditation, it can also be activated in the use of jewelry. A loose, flexible, chainlike bracelet which would fall low upon the wrist is best for this purpose. Place upon that bracelet a gemstone or charm or amulet which represents to you (by vibration or symbolism) that area of metaphysics, psychism, subconscious energy, or hidden occult mysteries that you would most like to experience (left) or express (right). Move that stone or amulet along the chain so that it rests on the inside of your arm at the center. With your hand down at your side, the stone or charm should then fall directly upon the plain of Neptune. Always repeat your affirmation whenever you happen to touch your gemstone or charm; for—no matter how the stone vibrates—its energies are there to trigger the conscious focus of your own divine eternal powers.
Check out Sandra Anne Taylor’s interview with Julie from Laws of Attraction radio on YOU TUBE!
Read Sandra Anne Taylor’s article from Balanced Living Magazine and learn how you can attract the relationship you desire.
Listen to Sandra Anne Taylor’s interview on Get Ready For Love radio show.